

Sosa-Hernández, Juan Eduardo


J. Eduardo Sosa H., Ph.D. SNI 1 Research Professor Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico Co-funder of MARTEC ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Ph.D. (Biomedical Engineering and Physics) M.Sc. (Biomedical Engineering and Physics) B.Sc. (Physics) RESEARCH INTERESTS My research interest is focused on quantitative biology, soft matter, biotechnology processes, materials, and sensors. All are applied to improve biomedicine and the environment. My latest project is focused on identifying and quantifying viral load from SARS-CoV-2, and emerging contaminants in wastewater. Moreover, MARTEC was created as a laboratory for WBE. Finally, I have been working on carbon capture biotechnology through microalgae. During this time, I have worked with partners at KCL and UoB in the UK; DCU in Ireland; ASU and UMD in the US; UAB and CSIC, in Spain. My goal is to keep growing as a researcher and consolidate myself as Research Professor. PI of the project focused on COVID-19 surveillance for the CDMX funded by SECTEI and as leader of the collaboration with UNAM and IPN. CURRENT PROJECTS 1. PHAs production using coffee waste residues and its industrial and medical applications. 2. Development of Skin on a Chip and its biomedical potential. 3. Biocatalysis: Biodegradation of hazardous pollutants and emerging contaminants using immobilized enzymes by microfluidics. 4. COVID 19 detection and monitoring by Wastewater Based Epidemiology. - Tec de Monterrey monitoring. - Ciudad de México estandarization and transfer to SACMEX. - Monitoring of Monterrey and the metropolitan area. 5. CO2 biocapture by microalgae for industrial applications. 6. Compostable batteries to achieve sustainability in segregated regions of southern Mexico.
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