Measuring the incidence of social factors on scientific research:A socio-scientometrics analysis of strategic countries Midiendo la influencia de los factoressociales en la investigacióncientífica: Unanálisissociocienciomé-trico de paísesestratégicos Academic Article in Scopus uri icon


  • © 2020, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. All rights reserved.Throughout scientific literature, some studies have ex-amined the positive impact of research in society. How-ever, this paper is oriented in the opposite direction analyzing how social factors could be influencing scien-tific results. The research sample comprises Mexico and its 18 strategic partners in science and technology and a 17-year temporary window. The results are divided into three parts, the first one shows the relation among population, government investment in tertiary educa-tion, gross domestic expenditure on R&D (GERD) (as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)) number of researchers with scientific production and citations received. The second part is focused on the relationship between researcher mobility (sedentary or migratory: Inflow, outflow, transitory) and scientific collaboration. The third part analyses whether the countries research preferences (measured through the Relative Activity Index in subject areas) have a repercussion on scientific production. This study facilitates a better understand-ing of social contributions to the scientific and socioeco-nomic development of countries and it is valuable for governments and policy makers for taking into account the importance of these social variables in leading coun-tries towards excellence in science.

publication date

  • January 1, 2020