Placental mesenchymal dysplasia associated with early onset intrauterine growth restriction: a case report Displasia mesenquimal placentaria asociada con restricción del crecimiento intrauterino de inicio temprano: reporte de un caso
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© 2022 Asociacion Mexicana de Ginecologia y Obstetricia. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND: Placental mesenchymal dysplasia is an anomaly of the vasculature and placental connective tissue which alters the structure and function of the villi, being associated with an adverse perinatal outcome. CLINICAL CASE: Patient 21 years old, primigestation, with 15.2 weeks of pregnancy established by fetometry, with anterior body placenta, abnormal morphology, with multiple hypoechogenic images resembling clusters of grapes, without vascular flow in color Doppler. Ultrasound evaluation at 33 weeks, reporting fetometry for 27.2 weeks, anhydramnios and placentomagelia, with alteration in Doppler parameters, as well as in a non-stress test diagnosing fetal growth restriction stage IV. Fetus with heterogeneous image on the right flank of 4.7 x 4.1 cm. Abdominal pregnancy interruption was decided, obtaining a live female newborn, Apgar 8/9, weight 930 grams, enlarged placenta with hydropic villi. The histopathology study reports placental mesenchymal dysplasia. Abdominal tumor resection was performed electively by laparoscopy at 4 months of age with a histopathological diagnosis of hepatic mesenchymal hamartoma. CONCLUSION: Placental mesenchymal dysplasia is a benign placental anomaly, related to early-onset intrauterine growth restriction that can even progress to fetal death by chronic hypoxia due to abnormalities in the microscopic vasculature that affect the development of the terminal villi and interfere with the exchange of gases, nutrients and electrolytes in the intervillous space.
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