- © The Author(s) 2017. In this chapter, fundamental aspects of regenerative medicine are explained with special emphasis on application of polymeric materials for tissue engineering. In that regard, current chapter describes synthesis and processing of a biodegradable polymeric system in different compositions that can be applicable in tissue engineering. Copolymers of polyoctanediol citrate acid-sebacate acid P(OCS) were polymerized via polyesterification reaction in different molar ratios of the monomers in order to have a range of properties in developed materials. Different compositions have further been processed into the scaffolds for tissue engineering application. Developed scaffolds, were carefully analyzed by MALDI-ToF-MS and resultant spectra are interpreted in a great detail. Data obtained from MALDI analysis confirm that copolymer compositions match the expected structures, which were pre-determined in polymerization reaction. Furthermore, MALDI spectra provides a clear picture of the molecular structure that, in turn, plays a crucial role in understanding of the material properties. In a separate section, a detailed analysis is extracted from MALDI results regarding the suitability of the proposed materials for their application in tissue engineering. This chapter is dedicated to the MALDI analysis of a linear polymer system with 3 monomers involved in synthesis of P(OCS) materials.