publication venue for
- Mass Reduction and Enhanced Geometry of a 0.196 Liters Small IC Engine Piston Through Topology Optimization Simulation and Finite Element Analysis 2022
- A Pin-on-Disc Study on the Electrified Sliding Wear of EVs Powertrain Gears 2022
- Development of an N-Propanol Mechanism and Its Application on HCCI Engine Simulations 2020
- Crevice Corrosion Accelerated Test for Cylinder Head/Gasket/Monoblock Assemblies from Lightweight Engines Considering Overheating Effects. 2020-April. 2020
- Process-Monitoring-for-Quality-A Step Forward in the Zero Defects Vision. 2020-April. 2020
- Tribological Performance of an Engine Mineral Oil Blended with a Vegetable Oil under Approached Long-Term Use Conditions. 2019-January. 2019
- Chassis Design for AWD Electrified Pick Up Truck 2016
- Low Cost Obtainment of Vehicle Performance Curves and Values Experimentally by Means of the OBD2 Port. 2015-April. 2015