publication venue for
- Analytical and experimental study for mechanical vibrations of a two-coupled spring masses system via Caputo-based derivatives 2024
- Determination of a physically correct fractional-order model for electrolytic computer-grade capacitors. 44:4366-4380. 2021
- Numerical modeling of the immune response to human papillomavirus infection. 43:7905-7914. 2020
- A solution for antiplane-strain local problems using elliptic integrals of Cauchy type. 40:5177-5192. 2017
- Computation of effective properties in elastic composites under imperfect contact with different inclusion shapes. 40:3290-3310. 2017
- Static effective characteristics in piezoelectric composite materials. 40:3249-3264. 2017
- A solution for the local plane strain problems using elliptic integrals of Cauchy type. 40:2660-2685. 2017