publication venue for
- A Symmetric Sixth-Order Step-Up Converter with Asymmetric PWM Achieved with Small Energy Storage Components 2024
- An Architecture Superposing Indefinite Causal Order and Path Superposition Improving Pauli Channels¿ Parameter Estimation 2024
- Parametric Symmetries in Architectures Involving Indefinite Causal Order and Path Superposition for Quantum Parameter Estimation of Pauli Channels 2023
- Symmetries of Quantum Fisher Information as Parameter Estimator for Pauli Channels under Indefinite Causal Order. 14. 2022
- Shared Quantum Key Distribution Based on Asymmetric Double Quantum Teleportation. 14. 2022
- Algebraic DVR Approaches Applied to Piecewise Potentials: Symmetry and Degeneracy. 14. 2022
- A hybrid prediction model for energy-efficient data collection in wireless sensor networks. 12:1-16. 2020
- An algebraic decision support model for inventory coordination in the generalized n-stage non-serial supply chain with fixed and linear backorders costs. 12:1-19. 2020
- Symmetries in teleportation assisted by n-channels under indefinite causal order and post-measurement. 12:1-26. 2020
- A trust model using edge nodes and a cuckoo filter for securing VANET under the NLoS condition. 12. 2020
- Entropy generation in a mass-spring-damper system using a conformable model. 12. 2020
- Antiautomorphisms and biantiautomorphisms of some finite abelian groups. 12. 2020
- A Lightweight and provable secured certificateless signcryption approach for crowdsourced IIoT applications. 11. 2019
- Single-qubit driving fields and mathieu functions. 11:1-15. 2019
- Exactly solvable one-qubit driving fields generated via nonlinear equations. 10. 2018
- BATCP: Bandwidth-aggregation transmission control protocol. 9. 2017
- Automatic frequency identification under sample loss in Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Signals using an iterative autocorrelation algorithm. 8. 2016
- Revisiting the optical PT -symmetric dimer. 8. 2016