publication venue for
- Enhancing Buoyant force learning through a visuo-haptic environment: a case study 2024
- Learning manufacturing computer vision systems using tiny YOLOv4 2024
- Energetic optimization of an autonomous mobile socially assistive robot for autism spectrum disorder. 9. 2023
- Editorial: New challenges and trends in rehabilitation devices based on AI and optimization 2023
- Low limb prostheses and complex human prosthetic interaction: A systematic literature review. 10. 2023
- Pedestrian detection model based on Tiny-Yolov3 architecture for wearable devices to visually impaired assistance. 10. 2023
- Implementation of NAO Robot Maze Navigation Based on Computer Vision and Collaborative Learning. 9. 2022
- Computational Intelligence for Studying Sustainability Challenges: Tools and Methods for Dealing With Deep Uncertainty and Complexity. 7. 2020
- An adaptable human-like gait pattern generator derived from a lower limb exoskeleton. 6. 2019