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Rentería-Rodríguez, Pablo Alberto


Pablo Renteria, Mexico 1980. Principal at oAR. Office for Architecture and Research Partner at Renso Real Estate Group Architectby ITESM-Monterrey (2004), Major in Architectonic Design by ITESM-Monterrey and Barcelona Architecture Center, Fundació Politécnica de Cataluña, Spain (2004). Master in Advance Architectural Design by ISAD, Chihuahua, Mexico (2012). Professional experience with Ignasi Pérez-Arnal Architecte, TEN Arquitectos Enrique Norten, Central de Arquitectura, Sergio Garza Arquitectos, AR+V Oficina de Proyectos, and Corporación Técnica de Urbanismo CTU. Editor in chief from the architectural magazine Arquitectura entre Lineas from the Barra de Arquitectos de Chihuahua. Profesor of Architectural Projects in ITESM Chihuahua. Profesor of Urbanism and Landscape Architecture in ITESM Chihuahua. Invited profesor of Universidad La Gran Colombia, Seccional Armenia, Colombia. Profesor of architectural projects at ISAD, Chihuahua, Mexico
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