Tena-Jiménez, Verónica
MA Verónica Tena Jiménez, vtena@tec.mx, @vtena, works as a professor at Business School at Tecnologico de Monterrey, campus Estado de México specialized in entrepreneurship.
Recognized as one of the best professors at Business School (Borrego de Oro 2016) Co-author in the book Beyond the Business Plan.
She is currently a member of the group of consultants for the Strategic Value Creation in Family Business Program and conducts consultancy work in business development, collaborating with the Business Incubator at Tec de Monterrey and with Deloitte & Tec in the Program named MEM-Best Mexican Companies. She had worked in consulting with private and public companies. She had worked as visitor professor during Summer 2018 in alliance with (UNHCR) United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Costa Rica. Since 2017, she served as an advisor and coordinator of the Semester I for Innovative Entrepreneurship.
She has served as judge of different projects of entrepreneurship, among which he emphasizes National Youth Award 2015 in the category of entrepreneurship and has participated in TV programs like Fractal TV evaluating projects.
She was Project Manager of the Cisco Entrepreneur Institute in alliance with Tec.
She participated as an advisor with the GSBI Global Social Benefit Incubator at Santa Clara University in California as an accompanying lecturer at the Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology (CET) Bootcamp at the University of Berkeley (Aug 2014) and in local social programs as AmarteMX (2017).
Leader of social projects advising entrepreneurs of the Base of the Pyramid and training rural women for the creation of businesses: Project Sewing Workshop - Cieneguitas Chihuahua in coordination with GoldCorp-Computrain-Brother.
Now a days she defines herself as social entrepreneur and investor in the NAVILMX project (entrepreneurship that links the indigenous communities of Oaxaca and Chiapas with the market of people interested in rescuing the artisan talent of Mexico).
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