authors Santillan-Rosas, Irais Monserrat Santillan-Rosas, Irais Monserrat Santillan-Rosas, Irais Monserrat Santillan-Rosas, Irais Monserrat Santillan-Rosas, Irais Monserrat Santillan-Rosas, Irais Monserrat
selected publications academic article in scopus Laying the Groundwork for Engineering Students to Make Decisions Regarding the Application of Universal Design Principles for Development of Educational Products. Proceedings of the LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering Education and Technology. 2024 Crafting Inclusion: A Dynamic Multidisciplinary Approach to Engineering Education using Makerspaces 2023 Contribution of graduate courses in education towards educational and social inclusion mediated by technology 2022 Empowering women's digital literacy with transformative learning: Reducing the gap in the T of STEM. PervasiveHealth: Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. 182-186. 2020 Experiential teaching for sustainable development. PervasiveHealth: Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. 481-485. 2019 Learning strategies and digital interventions: An analysis in the context of education for sustainable development. PervasiveHealth: Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. 976-980. 2019
teaching activities Applied Research Project I: Identifying Study-Problems Applied-Research Project II: Methodological Approaches Education and Digital Technology for Inclusion Education with Digital Technology for Marginalized Contexts and in Emergencies
education and training Degree in Law, Tecnológico de Monterrey PhD in Educational Innovation, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Expertise ODS Decent work and economic growth ODS Peace, justice and string institutions ODS Quality education ODS Responsible consumption and production ODS