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Chacón-Cedillo, Julián Antonio


Among his main achievements are: Design and development of simulation models, for the visualization of scenarios and determination of contingency plans, for the development of new businesses. The establishment and implementation of strategic management systems en different organizations. Analysis and improvement of processes in various industries. Design, improvement and implementation of project management processes. Facilitation of problem solving sessions with distinct clients.
Ten years as a consultant and four years as a teacher, he has collaborated in various consulting firms. He began his career at Intelinet Strategic Services, where he was in charge of mapping the project management process for a major oil company (2010 - 2011). He subsequently collaborated with UANL, being in charge of a team for the design, implementation and facilitation of a Project Management Office (PMO) for one of the largest companies in Mexico (2011 - 2012). He then worked in AbetPro Consulting, where he was project manager for clients from different industries (2012 - 2015). Then he collaborated for a year with the decision-making consulting firm Tandem (2016), to finally return to AbetPro Consulting as a partner to devote himself mainly to the development of the business. He is also a professor at the Industrial Engineer Department, of the School of Engineering and Sciences at ITESM since August 2016, teaching the subjects: System Dynamics (7th semester), Systems Engineering Laboratory (6th semester), Industrial and Systems Engineering Projects (9th semester), Methodologies for problem solving (8th semester), Strategic Planning (9th semester) and Analysis and improvement of manufacturing systems (6th semester). He currently works as the Educational Innovation and Technology Coordinator in the Center for Professors' Development and Educational Innovation from ITESM, in campus Santa Fe.
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