

Téllez-Martínez, Carlos


He has worked on issues of intellectual property and uses it to make predictions for technology trends since 1992. This has allowed to predict new technology applications in companies doing research and development or state governments wishing to establish strategic lines of development greater economic progress. He has been responsible for the establishment of a center for Intellectual Property at ITESM Campus Guadalajara where he has relied on the protection, licensing and technology transfer for both the creation of technology-based companies to improve operations in small and medium regional industry. He has worked in the incubation of technology-based companies, specifically in the areas of biotechnology, telecommunications and information systems where it is supported by these new companies to develop strategies to protect and / or licensing required technology. He has had the opportunity to receive training in the Japanese Patent Office in Tokyo Japan and the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. He has lectured on issues of technological forecasting, valuation of intangible assets and intellectual property in Colombia, Panama and Cuba for National Universities, research centers and science and technology agencies in those countries. He has participated in projects to identify trends in social and technological changes to the strategic decision-making in business and government. This has permitted decisions on new products and / or services. He has been an advisor to several companies in Guadalajara, Monterrey and San Luis Potosi in Product Development, Intellectual Property and Industrial Statistics.
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