

Santoyo-Castelazo, Edgar


PhD in Chemical Engineering from the School of Engineering and Analytical Sciences, University of Manchester, UK. During the period from 2013 to 2018 he held the positions of Director of Technological Innovation and Director-General of Research, Technological Development and Training of Human Resources at the Ministry of Energy (SENER) in Mexico. In these positions, he coordinated the implementation of public policies on applied research, innovation and training of specialized human capital aligned with the demands of the energy sector through the coordination of the Sectoral Funds CONACYT-SENER of Hydrocarbons and Energy Sustainability. He represented SENER at several Directive and Administration Boards including the Sectoral Energy Funds, the Energy Research Institutes (INEEL, IMP and ININ) and the Advisory Committee of the Governing Board of CONACyT. Among the most relevant projects under his supervision are the publication of the National Technological Roadmaps for Renewable Energies, including the coordination and implementation of high impact projects with financing from the Global Environmental Facility and the World Bank for the development and commercialization of sustainable energy technologies. During the period 2011-2013, he was a research associate and a Lecturer in Sustainable Chemical Engineering at the University of Manchester, UK (positioned among the Top 30 universities worldwide). Currently, he is a researcher at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus. He is a member of Product Innovation Group at the School of Engineering and Sciences. His main activities include training of human resources, teaching and research on themes related to life cycle assessment, energy planning, sustainability assessment of complex systems and multi-criteria decision-analysis.
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