authors Hinojosa-Alvarez, Silvia Alejandra Hinojosa-Alvarez, Silvia Alejandra Hinojosa-Alvarez, Silvia Alejandra Hinojosa-Alvarez, Silvia Alejandra Hinojosa-Alvarez, Silvia Alejandra
selected publications academic article in scopus Longitudinal multiomics analysis of aggressive pituitary neuroendocrine tumors: comparing primary and recurrent tumors from the same patient, reveals genomic stability and heterogeneous transcriptomic profiles with alterations in metabolic pathways. Acta Neuropathologica Communications. 2024 Mesenchymal Stem Cells Induce an Immunosuppressive Microenvironment in Pituitary Tumors. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2024 Supplementation of flavonoids and inulin in Totoaba macdonaldi: Microbiota, liver gene expression and growth performance responses. Aquaculture Reports. 2023 Evaluating the monophyly of Mammillaria series Supertextae (Cactaceae). PhytoKeys. 177:25-42. 2021 Mitochondrial DNA genome evidence for the existence of a third divergent lineage in the western Atlantic Ocean for the bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas). Journal of Fish Biology. 99:275-282. 2021
education and training Bachelor of Biology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Doctor of Science, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Master of Science, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México