I studied my degree at Tec, LEM'98, and from the same year that I graduated I joined as an employee at the Aguascalientes campus in new construction (May 1998). I belong to the pioneers who inaugurated this campus.
I was in charge of the promotion UV masters, then I joined to the extension area promoting open and incompany programs.
In 2000 the business director invited me to teach my first subject in professional, as I did not finish my masters degree, I started teaching remedial writing classes, and once I finished my first master I was able to teach in business careers.
Since then I realized that I had a passion for teaching and very interest in sharing with young people my professional experience.
Along with teaching that was uninterrupted until 2012, I developed as an instructor and consultant, fulfilling the necessary training from teaching with the pdhd, several graduates in extension, certifications as consultant and instructor.
In 2011 I completed my phd and I was invited to a Colombian university as a researcher, invitation that I accepted because on campus at that time there was not much focus on research, so I shared in Bogota as a teacher in business, research, career dean and Executive MBA academic director for a period of 4 years.
Finally, I joined the Aguascalientes campus again in January 2016 as a partial teacher, surprised by what Tec has evolved and becoming involved in the Tec21 model as "semester i" coordinator (the first at the campus in business school).
I am currently teaching as partial time and in extension as instructor when they make me an invitation, but very interested in joining again at the right time as a full time teacher or a position that allows me to continue developing in the research area.