Franco-Rodríguez, Cynthia Lorena
Currently Regional Director of the technology transfer office of Tecnologico de Monterrey. Full-time professor in the entrepreneurship Area (2008). Degree in Business Administration (1996), Master in business management for experienced executives (2005). PhD in Legal and Business Sciences (2017). The areas of specialization are: Intellectual Property management (advice to protect inventions, distinctive signs and copyrights). Management of research and technological development projects Sectoral Innovation Fund (SE and CONACYT), mixed fund (CONACYT and Government of the state of Jalisco) and program stimulus to innovation. Monitoring in the performance and development of consultancy projects related to the private sector. Collaboration with companies such as Nike in Mexico, Sinergit and Confivero in the development of new products, process analysis and implementation of ERP´s. Between 2008 and 2011, projects were carried out to identify business opportunities for some sectors in the states of León, Zacatecas, Sonora and Jalisco with the aim of promoting regional development and strategic planning. Specialization courses in technology transfer (Oxford University UK); Technology Marketing (University of Texas Austin); Competitive Intelligence (Steinbeis Mexico) and valuation of intangibles (Becerril Coca and Becerril). Teaching in technology management, technological entrepreneurs and training for the development of business leadership. Certification in teacher Skills Development Program (PDHD).
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