Using information cached at 2:16 PM (Mar 12 2025)
Note: This information is based solely on publications that have been loaded into the VIVO system. This may only be a small sample of the person's total work.
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Year | Publications |
2015 | 8 |
2016 | 4 |
2017 | 6 |
2018 | 1 |
2019 | 8 |
2020 | 10 |
2021 | 13 |
2022 | 9 |
2023 | 9 |
2024 | 2 |
2025 | 1 |
Unknown | 5 |
Author | Publications with |
Heredia-Olea, Erick | 19 |
Espinosa-Ramírez, Johanan del Pino | 10 |
de la Rosa-Millán, Julián | 9 |
Jacobo-Velázquez, Daniel Alberto | 8 |
Santacruz-López, Yolanda Arlette | 5 |
Ibarra-Herrera, Celeste Concepción | 5 |
Hernández-Brenes, Carmen | 5 |
Vazquez-Villegas, Olga Patricia | 4 |
Welti-Chanes, Jorge Santos | 3 |
Chuck-Hernández, Cristina Elizabeth | 3 |
Gutiérrez-Uribe, Janet Alejandra | 3 |
Guajardo-Flores, Sara | 3 |
Tejada-Ortigoza, Viridiana Alejandra | 3 |
Acosta-Estrada, Beatriz Andrea | 2 |
Ramos-Parra, Perla Azucena | 2 |
Trujillo-de Santiago, Grissel | 2 |
Marín-Obispo, Luis Martín | 2 |
Alvarez,Mario Moisés | 2 |
Guajardo-Flores, Daniel | 2 |
Huertas-Cardozo, José Ignacio | 2 |
García-Amézquita, Luis Eduardo | 2 |
Reza-Zaldívar, Edwin Estefan | 2 |
Escobedo-Avellaneda, Zamantha Judith | 1 |
Aguilar-Jiménez, Oscar Alejandro | 1 |
Villarreal-Lara, Raúl | 1 |
Rito-Palomares, Marco Antonio | 1 |
Mora-Godínez, Shirley María | 1 |
Bautista-Flores, Claudia | 1 |
Madou,Marc Jozef | 1 |
Chávez-Santoscoy, Rocío Alejandra | 1 |
García-Cuéllar, Alejandro Javier | 1 |
Gómez-Sánchez, Carlos Eduardo | 1 |
Soria-Hernández, Cintya Geovanna | 1 |
Martínez-Chapa, Sergio Omar | 1 |