Virtual reality, innovation and linking in the training of engineers for the susutainable management of water Realidad virtual, innovación y vinculación en la formación de ingenieros para el manejo sustentable del agua Academic Article in Scopus uri icon


  • © 2020 Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions. All rights reserved.Water is at the epicenter of sustainable development, it is fundamental for socioeconomic development, energy, food production, healthy ecosystems and the survival of humans. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 1.8 billion people are supplied by feces-contaminated water sources. In Mexico, inorganic arsenic is present in the vital liquid destined for human consumption, in crops, food, as well as in the groundwater of the national territory. World water demand, due to population indexes, has increased 55% between 2000 and 2050. By then, it calculates that more than 40% of the population may be in conditions of scarcity. According to the World Bank, 50,000 million m3 are lost due to leaks. Water is a matter of rights and one of the great challenges is to guarantee its effective availability (frequency of supply) and quality (potable) in homes in rural and indigenous communities.In order to strengthen the competences and fructify the potential of engineering students, the Tecnológico de Monterrey promotes the use of new technologies for the construction of innovative solutions to this problem, as well as the link with vulnerable communities and the government, through the implementation of these proposals. The results demonstrate the development of disciplinary and transversal competences with the methodology proposed in this research.

publication date

  • January 1, 2020