publication venue for
- Potential ecological risk assessment of microplastics in environmental compartments in Mexico: A meta-analysis 2024
- Response of wastewater-based epidemiology predictor for the second wave of COVID-19 in Ahmedabad, India: A long-term data Perspective 2023
- Disentangling nitrate pollution sources and apportionment in a tropical agricultural ecosystem using a multi-stable isotope model. 328. 2023
- Drinking water treatment and associated toxic byproducts: Concurrence and urgence. 320. 2023
- Understanding the underestimated: Occurrence, distribution, and interactions of microplastics in the sediment and soil of China, India, and Japan. 320. 2023
- Seawater intrusion decreases the metal toxicity but increases the ecological risk and degree of treatment for coastal groundwater: An Indian perspective. 310. 2022
- A sustainable Decision Support System for soil bioremediation of toluene incorporating UN sustainable development goals. 307. 2022
- Micro-algae assisted green bioremediation of water pollutants rich leachate and source products recovery. 306. 2022
- Estimation of nitrate pollution sources and transformations in groundwater of an intensive livestock-agricultural area (Comarca Lagunera), combining major ions, stable isotopes and MixSIAR model. 269. 2021
- Emerging concerns of VOCs and SVOCs in coking wastewater treatment processes: Distribution profile, emission characteristics, and health risk assessment. 265. 2020