publication venue for
- Identifying Digital Supply Chain Capabilities 2024
- A Model to Become a Supply Chain 4.0 Based on a Digital Maturity Perspective. 200:1058-1067. 2022
- What does Industry 4.0 mean to Industrial Engineering Education? 2022
- The last five years of Big Data Research in Economics, Econometrics and Finance: Identification and conceptual analysis. 162:729-736. 2019
- Iterative Projection approach for solving the Territorial Business Sales optimization problem. 122:1069-1076. 2017
- Optimal pricing model based on reduction dimension: A case of study for convenience stores. 108:2079-2089. 2017
- Health Wearables for Early Detection of Frailty Syndrome in Older Adults in Mexico: An Informed, Structured Process for the Selection of a Suitable Device. 58:374-381. 2016
- Integrated approach to assignment, scheduling and routing problems in a sales territory business plan. 80:1887-1896. 2016
- The impact of learning activities on the final grade in engineering education. 80:1812-1821. 2016
- A review of optimal control techniques applied to the energy management and control of microgrids. 52:780-787. 2015
- An Immersive 3D Virtual Learning Environment for Analyzing the Atomic Structure of MEMS-Relevant Materials. 75:413-416. 2015
- An Innovative Self-learning Approach to 3D Printing Using Multimedia and Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices. 75:59-65. 2015
- Application of Augmented Reality in Statistical Process Control, to Increment the Productivity in Manufacture. 75:213-220. 2015
- Assembly Operations Aided by Augmented Reality: An Endeavour toward a Comparative Analysis. 75:281-290. 2015
- Augmented Reality app for Calculus: A Proposal for the Development of Spatial Visualization. 75:301-305. 2015
- Augmented Reality as a Tool for Production and Quality Monitoring. 75:291-300. 2015
- Augmented Reality as a Tool of Training for Data Collection on Torque Auditing. 75:5-11. 2015
- Augmented Reality in Automation. 75:123-128. 2015
- Augmented-Sugar Intake: A Mobile Application to Teach Population about Sugar Sweetened Beverages. 75:275-280. 2015
- Developing a Mixed Reality Assistance System Based on Projection Mapping Technology for Manual Operations at Assembly Workstations. 75:327-333. 2015
- Machining and Dimensional Validation Training Using Augmented Reality for a Lean Process. 75:195-204. 2015
- Mathematical modelling based learning strategy. 51:1694-1704. 2015
- Serious Games and Virtual Simulator for Automotive Manufacturing Education & Training. 75:267-274. 2015
- Virtual Reality Application for Simulation and Off-line Programming of the Mitsubishi Movemaster RV-M1 Robot Integrated with the Oculus Rift to Improve Students Training. 75:107-112. 2015