publication venue for
- A study for geometrical error in micro-geometries using VAT photopolymerization 2024
- A cost-benefit analysis for a wire harness assembly workstation: Manual vs. collaborative workstation 2023
- Effects of deposition - strategy - induced raster gaps and infill voids on the compressive strength of 3D printed isogrid structures. 31:15-19. 2022
- Design and testing of a positioning system based on a quasi kinematic guide and a clamp plate suspended by compliant straps for in-line metrology systems. 24:19-22. 2020
- Process-monitoring-for-quality¿A robust model selection criterion for the logistic regression algorithm. 22:6-10. 2019
- Modeling agents as joint cognitive systems in smart manufacturing systems. 17:6-8. 2018
- Process-Monitoring-for-Quality¿Applications. 16:14-17. 2018
- A brief discussion on the trends of habilitating technologies for Industry 4.0 and Smart manufacturing. 15:60-63. 2018
- Editorial: Foreword Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing. 15:59. 2018
- Online monitoring of a micro-EDM machine: Machining diagnosis on the cloud based on discharge currents and voltages. 15:115-118. 2018
- Process-monitoring-for-quality ¿ A model selection criterion. 15:55-58. 2018
- Surface defect identification and measurement for metal castings by vision system. 15:5-8. 2018