




Harmen Simons studied Geography and Demography in the Netherlands. After graduating, he worked as an Associate Expert in Demography for the United Nations in Chile and Honduras where he participated in several studies about maternal and infant mortality. After receiving an MBA from INCAE, Costa Rica, he became an operations and project manager for INCAE´s Policy Center. His research interests include risk management, financial aspects of pension fund reforms, and the mutual fund industry. He has taught courses in several countries, both in other universities as well as in in-house programs for private sector organizations and firms like CEMEX, FEMSA, Banorte among others. His Ph.D thesis (Tulane University, 2009) has won him a Special Distinction in the "Premio de Pensiones 2009" contest. He is currently working as an Associate Professor of Finance at Tec de Monterrey (ITESM), Mexico.
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