

Bores-Rangel, Enrique


His personal mission is to facilitate personal and organizational growth and is passionate about generating new ideas. He has taught from preparatory school to doctorate programs in Mexico, Ecuador, Peru and the USA. He was an adjunct professor at the Lally School of Business of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Currently, he facilitates learning processes in the Blocks "The role of business in society" and "Strategy and Talent" and in administrative consulting, organizational learning, systemic design and management. He is a Psychologist (UAEMEX), with studies in Mechanical Engineering (unfinished), a master's degree in Counseling Psychology (Washington State University) and a PhD in Business Administration (University of Texas at Austin and EGADE). He bases his teaching activity on meaningful experiential learning, is interested in educational innovation, gamifies his courses and develops learning simulators. In consulting, he uses the Systemic Design approach (Systemic Thinking with Design thinking) in the areas of Organization Development and Sustainable Strategy (for example, CONAFOR, Concha y Toro Wines, ISSSTE and NISSAN). In addition to teaching and consulting, he has worked as a technical drawer, salesperson, manager, machinery installer, researcher and counselor.
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