teaching activities From Rome to the World: Legal and Political Institutions Introduction to Law Legal English Social Responsibility and Citizenship Technological Tools for the Social Sciences Week 18 Exploration Assessment for Social Sciences Week 18 Social Sciences
education and training Degree in Law, Universidad de Guanajuato Doctor of Science in the Senior Management Area, Universidad De Altos Estudios Hispanoamericana Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies, Southern Oregon University
awards and honors Evaluadora de ponencias, conferred by CIIE, 2023 Evaluadora de ponencias, conferred by CIIE, 2022 Evaluadora, conferred by Instituto de Desarrollo Municipal, 2022 ponente CDHH CDMX, conferred by Comision de DDHH CDMX, 2021 Ponente, conferred by LASA, 2021 Coordinador Académico, conferred by Consejo Mexicano de las Ciencias Sociales, 2021 Evaluador Comité Científico, conferred by CIIEE 2020, 2020 Promotor de la Paz, conferred by Museo Memoria y Tolerancia, 2020 Elaboración Politica Estatal Anticorrupción, conferred by SEAH, 2020