- Campus Sonora Norte, Business School
- Adjunct researcher, Development of conscious businesses , Business School
Alvarado-Herrera, Alejandro
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selected publications
academic article in scopus
- Balance Between Tourism and Environment: Measuring Tourists' Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Toward Visual Conservation Messages. The Genuine Article. Equilibrio entre turismo y medio ambiente: medición de actitudes implícitas y explícitas de los turistas hacia los mensajes visuales de conservación. El artículo genuino.. PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural. 2024
- Comparing the effects of consumers' perceptions of companies' corporate social responsibility initiatives in emerging and developed markets. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 2023
- Do Consumers Really Care about Aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility When Developing Attitudes toward a Brand?. Journal of Global Marketing. 35:193-207. 2022
- Impacts of Religiosity and Political Orientation of Mexican Consumers on Perceived Value Impactos da Religiosidade e Orientação Política dos Consumidores Mexicanos no Valor Percebido Impactos de la Religiosidad y la Orientación Política de Consumidores Mexicanos Sobre el Valor Percibido1. Revista Lasallista de Investigacion. 18:173-191. 2021
- Corporate social responsibility, reputation and visitors¿ commitment as resources for public policies¿ design for protected areas for tourism sustainable exploitation. Social Responsibility Journal. 16:537-553. 2020
- Mind the gap between CSR perceptions and expectations of employees: A new strategic approach Atención al gap entre RSE percibida y esperada por los empleados: Una nueva aproximación estratégica. Direccion y Organizacion. 5-21. 2020
- Attention to the gap between CSR perceived and expected by employees: A new strategic approach Atención al gap entre RSE percibida y esperada por los empleados: Una nueva aproximación estratégica. Direccion y Organizacion. 67:5-21. 2019
... more
teaching activities
- Data Analysis Bootcamp
- Entrepreneurial Experience Internship
- Global Brands and Product Development
- Marketing Insight to Develop Stategies
- Marketing and Creativity
- Pricing Strategy
- Professional Experience Internship
- Qualitative Marketing Research
- Quantitative Marketing Research
- Strategies for Market Positioning
education and training
- Master's Degree in Business Administration, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
- PhD in Marketing, Universitat De València
awards and honors
- PRODEP Worthy Scholar Profile, conferred by Secretaría de Educación Pública, 2021
- Círculo de Profesores Distinguidos 2020, conferred by Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2020
- Business Honors - Escuela de Negocios, conferred by Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2020
- Profesor Total de la Escuela de Negocios 2019, conferred by Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2019
- Reconocimiento a Perfil Deseable - Prodep, conferred by Prodep (SEP), 2018
- Investigador Honorífico del Sistema Estatal de Investigadores de Quintana Roo, conferred by Consejo Quintanarroense de Ciencia y Tecnología, 2016
- Reconocimiento a Perfil Deseable, conferred by Promep (SEP), 2015
- Reconocimiento por lograr la impartición del Doctorado en Turismo y Ocio en México, conferred by Universidad de Quintana Roo, 2014
- Reconocimiento a Perfil Deseable, conferred by Promep (SEP), 2012
- Beca de Fomento a la Permanencia Institucional, conferred by Promep (SEP), 2009
- Reconocimiento a la Trayectoria Académica, conferred by Promep (SEP), 2009
- Investigador Nivel III del Sistema Estatal de Investigadores del COQCYT, conferred by Sistema Estatal de Investigadores del COQCYT, 2009
- Beca para estudios de Posgrado de Ata Calidad en el Extranjero 2005-2008, conferred by Promep (SEP), 2005
- Premio Nacional de Actitud de Servicio, conferred by Via Networks México (Mexis), 2001
- Reconocimiento "Maestro Solidario", conferred by UPAEP, 1998