


Palavicini-Corona, María Gabriela


I worked at the public sector about three years, at the Labour Minister and at the Social Security National Institute (IMSS). At IMSS I was in charge of a Division called Entreprises Classification, oriented to classify those entreprises at IMSS according to their risk labour security. I was also in charge of a Division oriented to implement a Model in quality management of the 133 offices in the Country. There were certified 33 of them, those which had a participation in the first phase of the program. As I have always being interested in education. I taught at Ibero during one year and later I was engaged at Colegio de Veracruz as a researcher in politics. In 2008 I was engaged at Tec de Monterrey. SInce then, I have developed researches, and participated in International Projects as is the latest one Students4Change, an Erasmus plus one, cofinanced by the European Union. From the last one some publications emerged: A coordinated book in its spanish and english version about Social Innovation and Enterpreneuship: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education Institutions: Students4Change. Halo Publishing; an ebook: Innovación Social y Emprendimiento Social: una experiencia desde la Academia. Students4Chang. Borders (Diciembre 2019), a chapter in this book: "Innovación Social en el aula: Caso de la Materia de Medios, Cultura y Sociedad (una aproximación metodológica)" and another chapter in the Innovation Atlas, written with Iv´n Cepeda: "The relevance of Social Innovation in Mexico". Oekom Verlag GmbH, Munich, Alemania.
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