


Cabrera-Lazarini, José Guadalupe Octavio


I am industrial and mechanical engineer (ITC), master of science in manufacturing systems (Bradford University, England) and doctor in technology management and innovation (UAQ). I studied Productivity Management and Intellectual Property Rights in Japan; Quality management in Germany. Professor in different universities and HEI. I worked as consultant in CRECE and as development manager in CETRO. I worked as a quality engineer in Brose. I was director of Mechanical Engineering at ITESM CQ. I worked in CIATEQ as a design engineer. I was Full-time Professor founder of the UPQ and I was Director of the Manufacturing Engineering Program. German intern in UNISTAFF (Development of Academic Managers) and the International Deans Course. Ex-National Coordinator of Curriculum Design for Engineering in Manufacturing Technologies (CGUTyP). CIEES evaluator. I tutored some Master tesis and I have some publications. I was UAQ instructor for Quality. I had PRODEP award and I am former leader of the Academic Body of Design and Manufacturing. I was Director of Industrial Technologies Division at UPQ. Since 2019, full-time professor of Marketing and data analysis, focused on business intelligence and analytics. I work with different data processing platforms, involved in projects of digital transformation.
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