BIM and game engines for engineering online learning Academic Article in Scopus uri icon


  • © 2022 IEEE.In the last years there has been an increment in the implementation of specialized virtual simulation software for engineering education. The main reason is the diversification towards different formats of learning such as online learning, blended learning, on-demand learning, among others. Several studies have demonstrated the benefits of using virtual simulation tools (such as game engines) for improving the learning outcomes in engineering courses. In the construction industry the most important virtual simulation software tool is Building Information Modeling (BIM). Even though the potential benefits of implementing BIM and game engines for educational purposes, there is no evidence of studies that implements both technologies together. In this study we develop a methodology for integrating BIM and game engines for engineering online learning for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) education. This study demonstrates: 1) the technical affordability for implementing advanced simulation tools for a construction course, and 2) the benefits of implementing such technologies for improving the learning experience of the students. The context of the development and implementation of the described methodology is in the framework of deployment of the new educational model Tec21 in national AEC higher education programs in the university Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico.

publication date

  • January 1, 2022