Organic Chemistry
Associated Departments
research area of
Buentello-Montoya, David Antonio,
Core Researcher,
Sustainable Energy
Espinosa-Leal, Claudia Aurora,
Adjunct researcher,
Food Security
Florido-Segoviano, Araceli,
Campus Querétaro,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Lozano-Sánchez, Luis Marcelo,
Core Researcher,
Nanotechnology and Semiconductors
Maldonado-Barraza, Carmen Rocio,
Campus Chihuahua,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Miralrio-Pineda, Alan Joel,
Core Researcher,
Water 360°
Salgado-Escobar, Irma,
Campus Ciudad de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Santos-Zea, Liliana,
Adjunct researcher,
Food Security
Yunes-Rojas, Julián Alejandro,
Campus Puebla,
School of Engineering and Sciences