


Salgado-Escobar, Irma


Irma Salgado Escobar is an Industrial Engineer in Chemistry. She graduated from the Instituto Tecnológico de Zacatepec, Morelos (ITZ). She worked as a supervisor in the control and planning area in textile production and was responsible for laboratory development of dye for textiles. She completed a PhD in Science specializing in Organic Chemistry at the Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN (CINVESTAV-IPN). She has 21 years of teaching experience and has taught Organic Chemistry, General Chemistry, Process Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Chemistry for Health Sciences; Chemistry Laboratory, Experimental Chemistry Laboratory, Analytical Chemistry Laboratory and Biochemistry at the Universidad Tecnológica de México (UNITEC), Universidad del Valle de México (UVM) and Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus (TEC -CCM). In August 1999 She began working as a part-time professor at ITESM-CCM and in August 2005 became a full-time professor. She has participated as coordinator of Chemistry and Chemistry laboratory subjects. She participated in designing and setting up the laboratory located in CEDETEC Chemistry. Also developing the manuals for Chemical and Experimental Chemistry. She has collaborated in projects associated with biopolymers. For all of 2019, she carried out a social service project involving a community (Ajusco, CDMX) that was implemented through the experimental Chemistry laboratory for students of the Biotechnology. She is currently working on antioxidant projects with the University of Chapingo.
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