


Ortiz-Martínez, María Gabriela


Chemical Engineer, graduated from the Technological Institute of Cd. Madero in June 1992. She worked at PEMEX from June 1992 to December 1993. In January 1994, she started the Master of Science with Specialization in Environmental Engineering at the ITESM, Campus Monterrey with a CONACyt Scholarship . At the end of the Master's Degree, she joined the ITESM Environmental Quality Center at Campus Monterrey, where she worked as a Coordinator of the Impact and Environmental Risk Area and Remediation of Contaminated Sites until August 2007. Currently and with more than 25 years of experience in Environmental Management, she works as an Environmental Consultant participating as a partner of the company Soluciones en Ingeniería y Gestión Ambiental, SC. Since July 2010, she joined the position of Associate Professor in the position of Head of Sustainable Development Engineer until December 2014. During 2015 and 2016 she worked as an associate professor in the Chemical Engineering Department. In February 2016, she joined the Chemical Engineering Department until July 2017. As of July 2017, she became a professor in the Department of Sustainable Technologies and Civil North Region. During july of 2021, until july of 2022 worked as Director of de Academic Program of Sustainable Development Engineering, Campus Monterrey. Since August 8, works as a Professor of Department of Sustainable Technologies and Civil North Monterrey.
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