


Figueroa-López, Ulises


Dr. Ulises Figueroa López graduated from Metallurgical Engineering at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Azcapotzalco, where he focused on the study of physical metallurgy of special steels and other engineering alloys. He obtained a Master's Degree on Manufacturing Systems at Tec de Monterrey Campus Estado de México, working at the Plasma Assisted Thermochemical Treatments group where he developed post-discharge microwave-aided nitriding reactors, treating different kinds of alloys such as steels, titanium, Co-Cr-Mo, among others. He obtained his PhD degree at Tec de Monterrey, with research stays at Colorado School of Mines and UCLA in Santa Barbara, investigating the surface modification of an aerospace aluminum alloy by nitriding and physical vapor deposition of AlN. Currently, he is a Researcher at the Nanomaterials group of the School of Engineering and Science at Tec de Monterrey. He participates as an associate professor in the Automotive Engineering Master Degree. He is pioneer in the design of courses such as Automotive Manufacturing, Aerospace Materials and Tooling Design.He is also a member of the Surface Engineering Group at Instituto Politécnico Nacional¿Zacatenco, which belongs to the Spanish Surface Engineering and Thin Layers Research Network. He leads along Dra. Andrea Guevara the Plastics Technology Group and the Fracto-Mechanical Testing of Engineering Plastics Laboratory at Campus Estado de México. The mechanical recycling of high-value automotive plastic materials has been investigated recently with the focus on reintegration into the life cycle of new products. Up to date, the group has obtained funding within the framework of the Challenge Based Fund call (2022 - 24) and COMECyT (2022-23); and more recently, funding from NOVUS call (2024 - 25) has allowed us to expand the capacity of the Laboratories with the aim of strengthening this line of research.
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