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Kabalen-Vanek, Donna Marie


Donna M. Kabalen Vanek de Bichara is a Professor at the Tecnológico de Monterrey and she served as Chair of the Department of Humanities Studies from 2009-2015. She is a member of the advisory board of Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project and is also a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Level I. In 2013 she was appointed to the advisory board of the Cátedra Alfonso Reyes. She participates as a member of the Research Center, Patrimonio Cultural at the Tecnológico de Monterrey where her research centers on history of the book and Latina periodical print culture in the U.S.-Mexico border region. She is a researcher responsible for the project, Ciencia Básica, La mujer en la cultura transnacional de la frontera norte México-Estados Unidos: las prácticas de lo escrito, 1850-1950. Her most recent publications include: The Construction of Latina/o Literary Imaginaries: Essays on alternative Worldviews, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018; and Print Culture Through the Ages: Essays on Latin American Book History. Editors, Blanca López de Mariscal, Donna Kabalen de Bichara and Paloma Vargas, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016 que incluye su artículo: "The Periodical in Times of Revolution: La Prensa, as a Cultural Force in Relation to a Community of Readers."
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