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González-Calderón, Silvia Teresa


I am an Architect Engineer from the School of Architects Engineers campus Tecamachalco of the National Poyithecnic Institute (IPN). As much the masters in Theory and History of Architecture as doctore, I made them at the Politechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona, Spain. A university exchange at the Milan Polytechnic aroused my fascination for the study of monuments and the patrimonial rescue. I worked as a supervisor of public works at the National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA) from 2001 to 2003, perfoming supervisory and admnistrative activities in remodeling projects uf buildings considered artistic and historical heritage throgout country. I entered as a teacher at ESIA campus Tecamachalco in 2007, teaching at the academies of Urban Planning, Theory and History of Architecture. In the same year, I took the position of Head of the Department of Cultural Dffusion and Library Services. Later in 2008, I assumed the leadership of the Department of Artistic Development of the Directorate of Cultural Promotion and Diffusion IPN; one year later, I assumed the position of Chief of the Division of Cultural Promotion and in 2015 I was promoted as Director in the same Directorate, developing management and cultural promotion work inside and outside the Institute. As a researcher of the history of Architecture, and from my doctoral tesis topic "For an architecture that stands alone. The Neo-colonial style in the educational project of the Secretariat of Public Education, 1921-1924", I have published and I have given conferences on the subject, showing interest in the study and conservation of Neocolonial language, as well as the preservation of architechtural memory in Mexico. Currently, I am teaching at the Technological Institute of Higher Studies in Monterrey campus Estado de México, alternating my activity with consultancies on special cultural projects.
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