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Hernández-Romero, Ilse María


Dr. Ilse María Hernández Romero is a postdoctoral researcher at the "Institute ofAdvanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing" at Tecnológico de Monterrey,Monterrey Campus. She is a member of the National System of Researchers, level I.Her research interests are mathematical modeling, simulation, machine learning, optimization, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing. She has published around 15 high-impactscientific articles and one book chapter, focusing on CO2 emissions reduction,optimizing the implementation of technologies, and developing optimal operationalpolicies in different contexts. Additionally, she has completed research stays atprestigious international institutions such as the Technical University of Denmark (Denmark), the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), and Texas A&M University (USA). She has also participatedin national and international conferences, including the American Institute of ChemicalEngineers (AIChE), the European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering(ESCAPE), the Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence Workshop, and theInternational Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). In addition to her researchactivities, she has led international and national funding proposals. She also engagesin teaching activities and advice undergraduate and graduate students in theiracademic and professional development
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