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Cervantes-Culebro, Hector


I graduated from the Technological Institute of Monterrey, Campus Estado de México, in Mechatronics Engineering. At the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, I have completed the Master's and Doctorate Degrees, in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics section. During the master's studies, the design of an infinitely variable transmission with orbital pulleys was developed and implemented, controlled automatically. This work has been published in the journal Advances in Mechanical Engineering. During the doctoral studies, work has been done in the areas of optimization and robotics. The doctoral thesis has proposed the concurrent design (structure-control) of a parallel robot that could perform pick and place operations minimizing the error in the trajectory tracking, mechanical vibrations, and energy consumption. The contributions of this work have been in the handling of heuristic optimization algorithm constraints. As well as the way to reduce vibrations with standard controllers and from the mechanical design stage. An article entitled "Constraint-Handling Techniques for the Concurrent Design of a Five-Bar Parallel Robot" has been published. Also, another article entitled "Concurrent Design of a 2 dof Five-Bar Parallel Robot for High-Speed ¿¿Tasks with Rigid and Flexible Links" is under review. After the doctoral studies, I worked as the Automation and Control manager in Polymers and Composites, which is a plastic molding company. My main functions were repair and maintenance of the existing Cartesian robots. As well as, a programmer of the trajectories for the extraction of the different products. Among other functions, the development of a plastic extruder machine for the recycling of plastic was carried out. Rehabilitation of plastic dehydrating machines as well as hopper loaders. In the teaching area, I have been a professor of the subjects of Automatic Control, Metrology, Industrial Robotics, Sensors and Actuators at the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez. I have also taught the subjects of Lighting Systems, Industrial Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Autotronics at the Technological Institute of Ciudad Juárez. In the present I teach the subjects of Industrial Robotics, the Laboratory of Automatic Control and the Laboratory of Control of electrical machines in ITESM CSF, CCM, and CEM. Currently, my academic interests are rehabilitation robots for the upper extremities, in patients who have suffered strokes. Another area of ¿¿academic interest is the control of mechanical vibrations in flexible robots.
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