Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
Associated Departments
research area of
Abaunza-González, Hernán,
Core Researcher,
Industry 5.0
Aceves-López, Alejandro,
Campus Estado de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Aguilar-Torres, Gualberto,
Campus Santa Fe,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Alanis-Espinosa, Myriam,
Campus Guadalajara,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Alfaro-Ponce, Mariel,
Manufacturing Processes for Advanced Materials (Cd. México)
Alonso-Valerdi, Luz María,
Core Researcher,
Alvarez-Díaz, Jorge,
Campus Cuernavaca,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Alvarez-Ramírez, Jorge,
Campus Tampico,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Amaya-Contreras, Ivan Mauricio,
Core Researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Anaya-Zamora, Rodolfo,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Andrade-Román, Jorge,
Campus Puebla,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Antelis-Ortíz, Javier Mauricio,
Core Researcher,
Antonio-Torres, David,
Campus Puebla,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Aragón-Zavala, Alejandro,
Core Researcher,
Industry 5.0
Arreola-Pérez, Adrián,
Campus Querétaro,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Arvizu-Enriquez, Alberto,
Campus Chihuahua,
Business School
Ayala-García, Ivo Neftali,
Campus Querétaro,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Baez-Moreno, Jesús Antonio,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Balderas-Silva, David Christopher,
Core Researcher,
Advanced materials enabling technologies (Cd. México)
Barceló-Alonso, Grettel,
Campus Hidalgo,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Belmonte-Izquierdo, Ruben,
Campus Morelia,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Biswal,Rajesh Roshan,
Core Researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Bourguet-Díaz, Rafael Ernesto,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Bretado-de los Rios, Mariana Soledad,
Adjunct researcher,
Sustainable Energy
Bustamante-Bello, Martín Rogelio,
Core Researcher,
Bustos-Gardea, Raime Alejandro,
Campus Chihuahua,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Calvillo-Corona, Luis Antonio,
Campus Querétaro,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Camacho-León, Sergio,
Adjunct researcher,
Nanotechnology and Semiconductors
Camacho-Pérez, José Rodrigo,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Camargo-Reyes, Luis Enrique,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Campos-García, Gabriela Azucena,
Campus Estado de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Campos-Gómez, Juan Alfonso,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Campos-Hidalgo, Joaquín,
Campus Guadalajara,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Campos-Sandoval, Juan Manuel,
Campus Aguascalientes,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Cantoral-Ceballos, José Antonio,
Core Researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Caratozzolo-Martelliti, Patricia Olga,
Full Member,
Socially Oriented Interdisciplinary STEM Education Research Group (SOI-STEM)
Carbajal-Espinosa, Oscar Eleno,
Adjunct researcher,
Carrillo-Martínez, Luis Antonio,
Adjunct researcher,
Carvajal-Rivera, Agustín Emmanuel,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Castañeda-Cuevas, Herman,
Core Researcher,
Castañeda-Espinoza, Joel,
Campus Estado de México,
Business School
Castañón-Avila, Gerardo Antonio,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Castro-Ling, Cynthia Concepción,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Cedillo-Hernández, Antonio,
Core Researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Cerecedo-Hernández, Daniel,
Adjunct researcher,
Impactful entrepreneurship and innovation
Cervantes-Culebro, Hector,
Adjunct researcher,
Cervantes-Lozano, Pedro,
Campus Guadalajara,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Cervantes-Zepeda, Mauricio,
Adjunct researcher,
Organizational strategy and industries transformation
Cerón-López, Arturo Eduardo,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Adjunct researcher,
Chairez-Oria, Jorge Isaac,
Core Researcher,
Manufacturing Processes for Advanced Materials (Cd. México)
Chong-Quero, Jesús Enrique,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Chucuán-Martínez, Edgar Alonso,
Campus Sinaloa,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Chávez-Muro, José de Jesús,
Core Researcher,
Sustainable Energy
Cienfuegos-Zurita, Jesús Esteban,
Campus Chihuahua,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Conchouso-González, David,
Campus Hidalgo,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Coquis-Rioja, Itzel,
Campus Ciudad de México,
Business School
Cortés-Serrano, Daniel,
Campus Monterrey,
Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing
Coyote-Aguirre, Karla Berenice,
Campus Toluca,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Crespo-Saucedo, Raúl,
Campus Ciudad de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Cruz-Ancona, Christopher Diego,
Core Researcher,
Industry 5.0
Cruz-Ramírez, Sergio Rolando,
Campus San Luis Potosí,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Cuan-Urquizo, Enrique,
Core Researcher,
Enabling technologies for the development of advanced materials (Guadalajara)
Cuen-Rochin, Saul,
Core Researcher,
Food Security
Céspedes-Mota, Armando,
Adjunct researcher,
Davalos-Villarreal, Rafael Emilio,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
de Jesús-Peregrina, Rogelio,
Campus Guadalajara,
School of Engineering and Sciences
de la Cueva-Hernández, Víctor Manuel,
Campus Toluca,
School of Engineering and Sciences
De la Fuente-Martínez, Mario Isidro,
Campus Guadalajara,
School of Engineering and Sciences
De la Rosa-Guerra, Gustavo Emilio,
Campus Aguascalientes,
School of Engineering and Sciences
De Unanue-Tiscareño, Adolfo Javier,
Adjunct researcher,
Government and public entrepreneurship
Domínguez-Oviedo, Agustín,
Campus Querétaro,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Duque-Becerra, Camilo René,
Campus León,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Díaz de León-López, Enrique,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Díaz-Martínez, Juan Gabino,
Campus Tampico,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Díaz-Martínez, René Joaquín,
Campus Laguna,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Echeverry-Mejía, Julián Mauricio,
Campus Aguascalientes,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Escobar-Valderrama, Gerardo,
Escobedo-Cabello, Jesús Arturo,
Core Researcher,
Esqueda-Merino, Donovan Manuel,
Campus Estado de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Esquivel-Jaramillo, Alfredo,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Falcón-Anaya, Christoper Edgar,
Campus Sonora Norte,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Falcón-Morales, Luis Eduardo,
Adjunct researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Fierro-Radilla, Atoany Nazareth,
Campus Cuernavaca,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Flores-Eraña, Jesus Gustavo,
Campus San Luis Potosí,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Flores-González, Aldo Elihu,
Campus Santa Fe,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Fuentes-Aguilar, Rita Quetziquel,
Enabling technologies for the development of advanced materials (Guadalajara)
Fuentes-Valdez, Ramona,
Campus Cuernavaca,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Fuentes-Álvarez, José Rubén,
Adjunct researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Félix-Herrán, Luis Carlos,
Core Researcher,
Galaviz-Aguilar, José Alejandro,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Galluzzi-Aguilera, Renato,
Core Researcher,
García-Farrera, Brenda,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
García-García, Andrés David,
Campus Estado de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
García-González, Alejandro,
Core Researcher,
Biomarcadores y terapias avanzadas
García-Guendulain, Crescencio,
Adjunct researcher,
Sustainable Energy
García-Kerdan, Iván,
Core Researcher,
Sustainable Energy
García-López, Erika,
Core Researcher,
Industry 5.0
García-Martínez, Moises,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
García-Morán, Emmanuel,
Campus Santa Fe,
School of Engineering and Sciences
García-Ruiz, Miguel Ángel,
Campus Querétaro,
School of Engineering and Sciences
García-Suárez, David,
Campus Cuernavaca,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Garza-Castañón, Luis Eduardo,
Core Researcher,
Industry 5.0
Gijón-Rivera, Carlos Rafael,
Campus Puebla,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Gil-Muñoz, Gabriel Rodrigo,
Campus Guadalajara,
School of Humanities and Education
Godoy-Rangel, Caribay,
Adjunct researcher,
Sustainable Territorial Development
González-de Alba, Alejandro,
Core Researcher,
González-García, Salvador,
Campus Morelia,
School of Engineering and Sciences
González-Guerrero, Enrique,
Adjunct researcher,
González-Hernández, Hugo Gustavo,
Adjunct researcher,
Sustainable Energy
González-Mendoza, Miguel,
Scaling complex thinking for everyone (R4C)
González-Muñoz, César Iván,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Guedea-Elizalde, Federico,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Guerra-Achem, Joaquín Alejandro,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Humanities and Education
Guerrero-Bonilla, Luis,
Core Researcher,
Industry 5.0
Guillén-Aparicio, Daniel,
Core Researcher,
Gutiérrez-Carmona, Irandi,
Adjunct researcher,
Gutiérrez-Franco, David,
Campus Puebla,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Gutiérrez-Vega, Julio César,
Core Researcher,
Nanotechnology and Semiconductors
Gómez-Aladro, Víctor Antonio,
Campus Ciudad de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Gómez-Espinosa, Alfonso,
Core Researcher,
Gómez-Quiñones, José Isabel,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Hernández-Aranda, Raúl Ignacio,
Core Researcher,
Nanotechnology and Semiconductors
Hernández-Araujo, Iván Fernando,
Campus Irapuato,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Hernández-Gress, Neil,
Scaling complex thinking for everyone (R4C)
Hernández-Martínez, Diana Estefanía,
Campus Querétaro,
School of Humanities and Education
Hernández-Melgarejo, Gustavo,
Campus Monterrey,
Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing
Hernández-Rodriguez, Felipe,
Campus Saltillo,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Hernández-Zarate, Debbie Crystal,
Adjunct researcher,
Herrera-Corral, José Armando,
Campus Estado de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Herrera-Machuca, Mauro,
Campus Santa Fe,
School of Humanities and Education
Hidalgo-Reyes, Jorge Iván,
Adjunct researcher,
Sustainable Energy
Hinojosa-Cervantes, Salvador Miguel,
Core Researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Ibarra-Moyers, Luis Miguel,
Core Researcher,
Advanced materials enabling technologies (Cd. México)
Ibarra-Vázquez, Gerardo,
Adjunct researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Ibarra-Zarate, David Isaac,
Core Researcher,
Izquierdo-Alvarez, Jessica,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Izquierdo-Reyes, Javier,
Core Researcher,
Landa-Cavazos, María Raquel,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Lara-Prieto, Vianney,
Socially Oriented Interdisciplinary STEM Education Research Group (SOI-STEM)
Leyva-Fernández, Marcial Roberto,
Core Researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Limón-Robles, Jorge,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Lozoya-Gamez, Rafael Camilo,
Core Researcher,
Lozoya-Santos, Jorge de Jesús,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Luján-Villarreal, Diego,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
López-Aguayo, Servando,
Core Researcher,
Nanotechnology and Semiconductors
López-Botello, Omar Eduardo,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
López-Cabrera, Mildred Vanessa,
Adjunct researcher,
Biomarcadores y terapias avanzadas
López-Caudana, Edgar Omar,
Full Member,
Scaling complex thinking for everyone (R4C)
López-Damian, Efraín,
Campus Toluca,
School of Engineering and Sciences
López-Mariño, Miguel Angel,
Campus Chihuahua,
School of Engineering and Sciences
López-Ramirez, Juan Manuel,
Campus León,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Macias-Hidalgo, Israel,
Campus Ciudad de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Macías-García, Manuel Eduardo,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Malpica-Romero, Alberto Daniel,
Adjunct researcher,
Organizational strategy and industries transformation
Manríquez-Yépez, José,
Campus Querétaro,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Mantilla-Caeiros, Alfredo Victor,
Campus Ciudad de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Martell-Chávez, Fernando,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Martinez-Cantón, Adriana Erika,
Campus Puebla,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Martínez-Acosta, Pedro Antonio,
Campus Laguna,
Business School
Martínez-Chapa, Sergio Omar,
Nanotechnology and Semiconductors
Martínez-Elizalde, Lorena Beatriz,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Architecture, Art and Design
Martínez-Ledesma, Juan Emmanuel,
Core Researcher,
Integrative biology
Martínez-López, José Israel,
Core Researcher,
Industry 5.0
Martínez-Román, Roberto,
Campus Estado de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Mendoza-Montoya, Omar,
Core Researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Mercado-Rojas, José Guadalupe,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Moctezuma-Enriquez, Damián,
Adjunct researcher,
Nanotechnology and Semiconductors
Momox-Beristain, Ernesto,
Campus Querétaro,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Monroy-Borja, Raúl,
Campus Estado de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Monroy-Peláez, Ángel Rafael,
Campus Toluca,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Montes de Oca-Armeaga, Saúl,
Campus Toluca,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Montes-Montejo, Francisco Javier,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Montesinos-Silva, Luis Arturo,
Core Researcher,
Advanced materials enabling technologies (Cd. México)
Mora-Salinas, Roberto Julián,
Campus Puebla,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Moreno-Moreno, Jesús,
Campus Puebla,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Murano-Labastida, Daishi Alfredo,
Campus Estado de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Muñoz-Díaz, Enrique,
Campus Ciudad de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Muñoz-Ubando, Luis Alberto,
Adjunct researcher,
Méndez-Garduño, Juana Isabel,
Campus Monterrey,
Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing
Méndez-Hernández, Ricardo,
Campus Santa Fe,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Navarro-Durán, David,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Navarro-Díaz, Adrián,
Adjunct researcher,
Navarro-Gutiérrez, Manuel,
Adjunct researcher,
Navarro-Tuch, Sergio Alberto,
Core Researcher,
Neendoor Mohan,Rohini,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Nieto-Jalil, José Manuel,
Adjunct researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Niño-Juárez, Elvira del Rosario,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Nolazco-Flores, Juan Arturo,
Adjunct researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Nuricumbo-Guillén, Rodrigo,
Adjunct researcher,
Sustainable Energy
Nájera-García, Pedro,
Campus Querétaro,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Ochoa-Luna, Cristóbal,
Adjunct researcher,
Ochoa-Ruiz, Gilberto,
Core Researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Olvera-Trejo, Daniel,
Core Researcher,
Accelerated Materials Development (Monterrey)
Orona-Domínguez, Luis Miguel,
Campus Chihuahua,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Ortega-González, Luis Mauro,
Campus Estado de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Ortiz-Cerecedo, Francisco Javier,
Campus Estado de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Osuna-León, Sergio,
Campus Guadalajara,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Otero-Fadul, Daniel,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Palomares-Moctezuma, José Alberto,
Campus Puebla,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Parra-Briones, Alejandro,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Parreño-Cordova, Ricardo Esteban,
Campus Aguascalientes,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Peña-Becerril, Maritza,
Adjunct researcher,
Educational innovation
Peña-Ortega, Raúl,
Adjunct researcher,
Piñal-Moctezuma, Juan Fernando,
Adjunct researcher,
Ponce de León-Ollivier, Juan Luis,
Campus Morelia,
Business School
Ponce-Cruz, Pedro,
Advanced materials enabling technologies (Cd. México)
Porras-Musalem, Eric,
Campus Santa Fe,
Business School
Portillo-Peña, Salvador,
Campus Estado de México,
Business School
Pérez-García, Benjamín de Jesús,
Core Researcher,
Nanotechnology and Semiconductors
Pérez-García, Santiago Leonel,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Pérez-González, Víctor Hugo,
Core Researcher,
Nanotechnology and Semiconductors
Pérez-Ladrón de Guevara, Jorge Alberto,
Campus Guadalajara,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Ramírez-Cadena, Miguel de Jesús,
Campus Ciudad de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Ramírez-Moreno, Mauricio Adolfo,
Core Researcher,
Regalado-García, Rodrigo,
Campus Ciudad de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Reséndez-Maqueda, Luis Fernando,
Campus Sonora Norte,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Reyes-Avendaño, Jorge Antonio,
Adjunct researcher,
Rivera-González, Igor Patricio,
Campus Santa Fe,
Business School
Roberts-Ugrinovic, Ricardo Esteban,
Adjunct researcher,
Rodriguez-Hernández, Gerardo,
Core Researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Rodriguez-Padilla, -,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Rodriguez-Salinas, Juan Jose,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Rodríguez-Arreola, Alberto,
Adjunct researcher,
Rodríguez-Calderón, Rosalino,
Campus Morelia,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Rodríguez-Corbo, Fidel Alejandro,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Rodríguez-Said, Roberto David,
Campus Saltillo,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Rojas-Hernández, Mario,
Campus Monterrey,
Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing
Romo Medrano-Mora, Katya Eugenia,
Campus Ciudad de México,
School of Humanities and Education
Rubio-Barrios, Julio Ernesto,
Adjunct researcher,
Humanities for sustainable development
Ruiz-Cid, Fernando Javier,
Campus Toluca,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Ruíz-Soto, Gabriela María,
Campus Ciudad de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Salazar-Soto, Arnoldo,
Adjunct researcher,
Nanotechnology and Semiconductors
Salgado-Garza, Luis Ricardo,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
San Vicente-Cisneros, Armando Rafael,
Campus Estado de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Sandoval-Benítez, Guillermo,
Campus Estado de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Sandoval-Correa, Alejandro,
Campus Puebla,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Santana-Díaz, Alfredo,
Core Researcher,
Santos-Díaz, Alejandro,
Adjunct researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Sosa-Godina, Juan,
Campus Santa Fe,
Business School
Sotelo-Molina, Carlos Gustavo,
Core Researcher,
Sotelo-Molina, David Alejandro,
Core Researcher,
Soto-Bernal, Tzinnia Gabriela,
Adjunct researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Swain-Oropeza, Ricardo,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Tamez-Pena, José Gerardo,
Core Researcher,
Inteligencia artificial y ciencia de datos
Tangirala,Venkata Krishna Karthik,
Core Researcher,
Nanotechnology and Semiconductors
Tapia-Tlatelpa, Tecilli,
Adjunct researcher,
Tejeda-Alejandre, Raquel,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Tinoco-Castrejón, Miguel Angel,
Adjunct researcher,
Development of conscious businesses
Torrero-Martínez, Ramiro,
Campus Saltillo,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Torres-Gallegos, Edgar Augusto,
Campus Estado de México,
School of Humanities and Education
Torres-Huitzil, Cesar,
Core Researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Torres-Rios, Emmanuel,
Adjunct researcher,
Trejo-Rodríguez, Luis Angel,
Core Researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Treviño-Alvarado, Víctor Manuel,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Treviño-Gutierrez, Juan Pablo,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Trujillo-Flores, Jorge Iván,
Campus Puebla,
School of Humanities and Education
Tudon-Martínez, Juan Carlos,
Core Researcher,
Ulloa-Castillo, Nicolás Antonio,
Adjunct researcher,
Nanotechnology and Semiconductors
Uribe-Gutiérrez, Sergio,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Valdez-Resendiz, Jesús Elias,
Core Researcher,
Valencia-García, Manuel,
Campus Chihuahua,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Valencia-Serpel, Alejandro,
Adjunct researcher,
Digital humanities
Vallejo-Guevara, Antonio Jr.,
Campus Laguna,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Vargas-Martínez, Adriana,
Adjunct researcher,
Vargas-Olivares, Arturo,
Adjunct researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Vargas-Rosales, César,
Core Researcher,
Industry 5.0
Vazquez-Hurtado, Carlos,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Velasco-Peña, Hugo Fernando,
Campus Guadalajara,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Venegas-Andraca, Salvador Elías,
Adjunct researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Villalpando-Hernández, Rafaela,
Core Researcher,
Industry 5.0
Vásquez-López, Virgilio,
Adjunct researcher,
Sustainable Energy
Vázquez-Topete, Carlos Renato,
Core Researcher,
Industry 5.0
Zamora-Guevara, Zeus Hiram,
Adjunct researcher,
Sustainable Energy
Zamora-Hernández, Israel,
Campus Puebla,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Zavala-Yoe, Ricardo,
Adjunct researcher,
Ávila-Ortega, Alfonso,
Adjunct researcher,
Nanotechnology and Semiconductors