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I am a materials physicist with 18 years of research and teaching experience on nanomaterials. My research interests are focused on semiconductors, composite nano-systems and nanophotonics for energy harvesting, nanoscale visualization and sensor applications. Along with a group of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, I am trying to develop new low-dimensional thermoelectric materials with high energy conversion efficiency aimed at converting waste heat to useful electricity. We use machine learning driven models to design high efficiency materials and use the model predictions to develop new engineered systems. Another major area of our research activity involves understanding and manipulating light matter interactions at the nanoscale. Currently, we are trying to develop new techniques for nanoscale visualization by coupling scanning probe microscopy techniques with manipulated structured light. I offer courses related to materials science and quantum mechanics for UG and PG students. I have developed a new course on "Quantum mechanics for nanotechnology", that I offer every alternate semester to the postgraduate students of the nanotechnology program. I am interested in science and technology advocacy and in the development of new physics education tools. Our group has active collaborations with Imperial College London, University of Ottawa, University of Alberta, CIMAV and IITs in India.
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