


Alanis-Espinosa, Myriam


Myriam Alanis-Espinosa received the degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering in 2008 (Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico) and the Masters degree in Electronic Systems in 2010 (Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico). She was full-time professor in PrepaTec Morelia Campus, where she began the project to make a robotics team, Monarch-e, which participate at FIRST Robotics Competition. During three years she was Monarch-e's head-coach guiding the team to win 4 international awards, among which stand out the Rookie All-Star Award Championship and Engineering Inspiration Award, and "Premio Garza Sada" student category. She graduated from the doctorate in physics and biomedical engineering at the Center of Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV). Her research was about the analysis of brain connectivity using brain-computer interfaces combined with immersive environments. Myriam is also co-founder and Chief of Technology of SATI's startup, focused on providing access to e-healthcare.
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