Turren-Cruz, Thalia
----- Tecnologico de Monterrey, ITESM.
Active participant in the PhD program of engineering sciences, focused on sanitation-water and the environment.
Master degree
----- Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, CATIE. Costa Rica
2014 ¿ 2016
Integral Watershed Management focused on social vulnerability to extreme climate events.
----- Centro de Investigación en Ciencias de información espacial (Centro Geo)
----- Geomatics applied on social vulnerability and risk management.
Bachelor's degree
----- Universidad Politécnica de Chiapas
Environmental engineering
Spanish (native)
English (Profiency)
----- Technical report (2016): "Participation of women and youth in livestock activities in Santa Cruz, Turrialba; Costa Rica" (Spanish). Available: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/308787038_Participacion_de_las_mujeres_y_los_jovenes_en_la_actividad_ganadera_en_Santa_Cruz_Turrialba
----- Manual (2017): "Vulnerability assessment to extreme climate events". Based on the experience of the project WaterClima-LAC, (Management of Coastal Zones and Basins in the context of Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean) (Spanish).
Available: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325070727_Manual_para_la_evaluacion_de_la_vulnerabilidad_ante_eventos_climaticos_extremos
----- Scientific Manuscript (2019): " Vulnerability assessment to extreme climate events in Baja California Sur, México"(Spanish).
Available: https://cienciaergosum.uaemex.mx/article/view/9084
----- Scientific Manuscript (2019): "Evaluation of Sanitation Strategies and Initiatives Implemented in Mexico from Community Capitals Point of View" (English).
Available: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/11/2/295
----- Scientific Manuscript (2020): "An Approach Incorporating User Preferences in the Design of Sanitations Systems and Its Application in the Rural Communities of Chiapas, México" (English).
Available: https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/3/1024
Scientific Manuscript (2021): Framework Proposal for Achieving Smart and Sustainable Societies (S3)
Available: https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/23/13034/htm
----- January-April 2017, Planning, design and execution of a manual to assess social vulnerability to extreme climate events in the project WaterClima-LAC, (Management of Coastal Zones and Basins in the context of Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean) with Dr. Laura Benegas Negri (Laura.benegas@catie.ac.cr).
----- August-December 2020, Teaching assistant with Dr. Rogelio Pérez Santiago (rogelio.perez@tec.mx) in the area of Manufacturing engineering.
----- February-December 2021, Teaching assistant with Dr. Miguel Angel Lopez Zavala (miganloza@tec.mx) in the area of Civil engineering.
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