Engineering, General.
Associated Departments
research area of
Acero-López, Andrés Esteban,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Alonzo-Macías, Maritza,
Adjunct researcher,
Food Security
Alvarez-Reyes, Juan,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Antelis-Ortíz, Javier Mauricio,
Core Researcher,
Barbosa-Saucedo, Edgar Alejandro,
Campus Querétaro,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Bonilla-Bustillo, Eduardo,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Buentello-Montoya, David Antonio,
Core Researcher,
Sustainable Energy
Camacho-Vallejo, José Fernando,
Core Researcher,
Sustainable Energy
Carvajal-Beltrán, Jimmy Alexander,
Campus Sonora Norte,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Castillo-Huerta, Edgar Rodolfo,
Campus Ciudad de México,
Business School
Cendejas-Morales, Leopoldo,
Campus Ciudad de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Cobreros-Rodríguez, Carlos,
Core Researcher,
Sustainable Territorial Development
Coronado-Mondragon, -,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Cortés-Serrano, Daniel,
Campus Monterrey,
Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing
Cárdenas-Barrón, Leopoldo Eduardo,
Core Researcher,
Sustainable Energy
Cárdenas-Fuentes, Diego Ernesto,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Domínguez-Oviedo, Agustín,
Campus Querétaro,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Díaz-Rodriguez, Jorge Guillermo,
Campus Guadalajara,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Echeverry-Mejía, Julián Mauricio,
Campus Aguascalientes,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Elizondo-Noriega, Armando,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Elías-Zúñiga, Alex,
Accelerated Materials Development (Monterrey)
Flores-González, Aldo Elihu,
Campus Santa Fe,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Flores-Rivera, Cinthya,
Campus Sinaloa,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Franco-Morgado, Mariana,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Fuentes-Álvarez, José Rubén,
Adjunct researcher,
AI Strategic Initiative
Gallo-Villanueva, Roberto Carlos,
Core Researcher,
García-Kerdan, Iván,
Core Researcher,
Sustainable Energy
Garza-Venegas, Jorge Arturo,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
González-de Alba, Alejandro,
Core Researcher,
González-González, Reyna Berenice,
Core Researcher,
Manufacturing Processes for Advanced Materials (Monterrey)
González-Hernández, Hugo Gustavo,
Adjunct researcher,
Sustainable Energy
Guerra-Achem, Joaquín Alejandro,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Humanities and Education
Gutiérrez-Uribe, Janet Alejandra,
Adjunct researcher,
Food Security
Gómez-Espinosa, Alfonso,
Core Researcher,
Hernández-Pérez, Eduardo,
Campus Santa Fe,
Business School
Hervert-Escobar, Laura,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Huerta-Aguilar, Carlos Alberto,
Core Researcher,
Water 360°
Ibarra-Herrera, Celeste Concepción,
Core Researcher,
Food Security
Ibarra-Moyers, Luis Miguel,
Core Researcher,
Advanced materials enabling technologies (Cd. México)
Lozano-Sánchez, Luis Marcelo,
Core Researcher,
Nanotechnology and Semiconductors
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Martinez-Cantón, Adriana Erika,
Campus Puebla,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Martínez-Romero, Oscar,
Core Researcher,
Accelerated Materials Development (Monterrey)
Menchaca-Torre, Hilda Lizette,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Mora-Vargas, Jaime,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Moreno-Alfaro, Marco Antonio,
Campus Hidalgo,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Muñoz-Guzmán, Ángel Daniel,
Adjunct researcher,
Advanced Design Processes for Sustainable Transformation
Méndez-Garduño, Juana Isabel,
Campus Monterrey,
Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing
Niño-Juárez, Elvira del Rosario,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Olvera-García, Víctor,
Adjunct researcher,
Food Security
Ortega-Pérez, Paloma,
Campus Hidalgo,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Ortiz-Cerecedo, Francisco Javier,
Campus Estado de México,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Paredes-Juarez, Rosa Guadalupe,
Campus Puebla,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Perfecto-Avalos, Yocanxóchitl,
Core Researcher,
Pérez-Rojas, Daniel,
Campus Puebla,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Ramos-Rangel, José Antonio,
Campus Sonora Norte,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Ramírez-Galindo, José Guillermo,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Rangel-Ramirez, Jose Guadalupe,
Campus Querétaro,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Reyes-de Luna, Eduardo Francisco,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Rodriguez-Padilla, -,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Rodríguez-Sánchez, Dariana Graciela,
Adjunct researcher,
Integrative biology
Rojas-Hernández, Mario,
Campus Monterrey,
Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing
Romo Medrano-Mora, Katya Eugenia,
Campus Ciudad de México,
School of Humanities and Education
Rosas-Meléndez, Samuel Antonio,
Campus Santa Fe,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Sillas-Moreno, María Virginia,
Adjunct researcher,
Sustainable Energy
Solís-Flores, Juan Pablo,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Architecture, Art and Design
Soto-Apolinar, Efraín,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Tejeda-Alejandre, Raquel,
Adjunct researcher,
Industry 5.0
Tinoco-Castrejón, Miguel Angel,
Adjunct researcher,
Development of conscious businesses
Torres-Martínez, Juan Antonio,
Campus Monterrey,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Tudon-Martínez, Juan Carlos,
Core Researcher,
Turren-Cruz, Thalia,
Adjunct researcher,
Water 360°
Téllez-Pérez, Carmen,
Adjunct researcher,
Food Security
Zamora-Hernández, Israel,
Campus Puebla,
School of Engineering and Sciences
Zavala-Arcos, Judith,
Core Researcher,
Biomarcadores y terapias avanzadas
Zavala-Yoe, Ricardo,
Adjunct researcher,