Global Citation Count
CitationCount for Transformation and digital literacy: Systematic literature mapping
CitationCount for Transformation of carrots into novel food ingredients and innovative healthy foods
CitationCount for Transformation of Manufacturing Firms: Towards Digital Servitization
CitationCount for Transformation of plant cell suspension cultures with amine-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes
CitationCount for Transformational leadership in students of health sciences Liderazgo transformacional en estudiantes de ciencias de la salud
CitationCount for Transformations of telegraph processes and their financial applications
CitationCount for Transformerless Wind Energy System Based on a Series Double NPC Multilevel Rectifier and a Six-Phase Asymmetrical PMSG
CitationCount for Transforming a blended learning course in numerical methods into a flexible digital course during the Covid-19 crisis
CitationCount for Transforming Businesses at the Grassroots: A Drive Through Agile Practices
CitationCount for Transforming communication channels to the co-creation and diffusion of intangible heritage in smart tourism destination: Creation and testing in Ceutí (Spain)
CitationCount for Transforming Higher Education Using WebVR: A Case Study.
CitationCount for Transforming Linear Production Chains into Circular Value Extended Systems
CitationCount for Transforming the grid towards fully renewable energy
CitationCount for Transgenerational marketing: Evolution, expansion, and experience
CitationCount for Transgenerational Susceptibility to Food Addiction-Like Behavior in Rats Associates to a Decrease of the Anti-Inflammatory IL-10 in Plasma
CitationCount for Transient co-expression with three O-glycosylation enzymes allows production of GalNAc-O-glycosylated Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor in N. benthamiana
CitationCount for Transient simulation of a solar heating system for a small-scale ethanol-water distillation plant: Thermal, environmental and economic performance
CitationCount for Transient thermal analysis of a solar chimney for buildings with three different types of absorbing materials: Copper plate/PCM/concrete wall
CitationCount for Transjejunal laparoscopic assisted ERCP in a patient with roux-en-y hepaticojejunostomy
CitationCount for Transmedia education. From the contents generated by the users to the contents generated by the students Educación transmedia. De los contenidos generados por los usuarios a los contenidos generados por los estudiantes
CitationCount for Transmedia games "i love to read": Immersive experiences, affinity spaces, connected learning and bond creation with the community Juegos transmedia "Yo amo leer": Experiencias inmersivas, espacios de afinidad, aprendizaje conectado y creación de vínculo con la comunidad
CitationCount for Transnational diaspora entrepreneurship: Empirical findings, policy lessons and future research opportunities
CitationCount for Transnational entrepreneurs: opportunity or necessity driven? Empirical evidence from two dynamic economies from Latin America and Europe
CitationCount for Transparency in organizations, an approach from the employee's perspective Transparencia en las organizaciones, una aproximación desde la perspectiva de los colaboradores
CitationCount for Transport and Application Layer DDoS Attacks Detection to IoT Devices by Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models
CitationCount for Treatment of hazardous waste by carbon dioxide capture from an electric arc furnace
CitationCount for Treatment of ophthalmological diseases in the 16th century. An analysis of the medicinal plants from new Spain published by Francisco Hernández Tratamiento de enfermedades oftalmológicas en el siglo XVI. Un análisis de las plantas medicinales novohispanas publicadas por Francisco Hernández
CitationCount for Treatment of Wastewater, Phenols and Dyes Using Novel Magnetic Torus Microreactors and Laccase Immobilized on Magnetite Nanoparticles
CitationCount for Treatment with argovit® silver nanoparticles induces differentiated postharvest biosynthesis of compounds with pharmaceutical interest in carrot (Daucus carota l.)
CitationCount for Trend and fractality assessment of Mexico's stock exchange