Global Citation Count
CitationCount for The Mexican Emotional Speech Database (MESD): Elaboration and assessment based on machine learning
CitationCount for The molecular basis and biologic significance of the ß-dystroglycan-emerin interaction
CitationCount for The molecular basis of neurotrophic keratopathy: Diagnostic and therapeutic implications. A review
CitationCount for The Molecular Role of Polyamines in Age-Related Diseases: An Update
CitationCount for The more I know, the more I engage: consumer education's role in consumer engagement in the coffee shop context
CitationCount for The moving boundary between constitutionality and legality within the ¿amparo directo en revisión¿ La frontera móvil entre constitucionalidad y legalidad en la procedencia del amparo directo en revisión
CitationCount for The Municipality in the Mexican Federal System
CitationCount for The Need for a Post-Conflict Regulatory Framework or Ius Post Bellum to Achieve Peace La nécessité d'un cadre réglementaire post-conflit ou de jus post bellum pour get the paix La necesidad de un marco normativo postconflicto o ius post bellum para lograr la paz
CitationCount for The neoliberalization of Indian business schools: how accreditation-linked institutional pressures shape academic subjectivities
CitationCount for The Neurocomputational Becoming of Intelligence: Philosophical Challenges
CitationCount for The new frontier of the university: Virtual open chair for health professionals La nueva frontera de la universidad: Cátedra abierta virtual para profesionales de la salud
CitationCount for The new laws of new media and the re-shaping of the environment Las nuevas leyes de los nuevos medios y la reconfiguración del entorno
CitationCount for The New SARS-CoV-2 Variants and Their Epidemiological Impact in Mexico
CitationCount for The next generation of social products based on sensing, smart and sustainable (S3) features: A smart thermostat as case study
CitationCount for The next pharmaceutical path: Determining technology evolution in drug delivery products fabricated with additive manufacturing
CitationCount for The Nexus between Technology and Finnovation: A Sustainable Development Model
CitationCount for The Notion of Corporeal Architecture in the Book Le Colombières: ses jardins et ses décors de Ferdinand Bac: Motor Sensoriality, Haptics and Symbolism La noción de la arquitectura corpórea en el libro Le Colombières: ses jardins et ses décors de Ferdinand Bac: sensorialidad motriz, háptica y simbolismo
CitationCount for The nutraceutical value of maize (Zea mays L.) landraces and the determinants of its variability: A review
CitationCount for The Operation Model of the Centre for Learning Technological Entrepreneurship ¿ The CDIT Innovation Hub for Entrepreneurs in Mexico City Case Study
CitationCount for The operator 4.0: Human cyber-physical systems & adaptive automation towards human-automation symbiosis work systems
CitationCount for The Operator 4.0: Towards socially sustainable factories of the future
CitationCount for The organization of ideological discourse in times of unexpected crisis: Explaining how COVID-19 is exploited by populist leaders
CitationCount for The other side of the Silk Road: Chinese investments in Latin American infrastructure
CitationCount for The outer orbit of the high-mass stellar triple system Herschel 36 determined with the VLTI
CitationCount for The oxidation of matrix composite AlMg reinforcement with SiC
CitationCount for The Oxxo-VETSA intersectoral alliance aiid its impact on social cohesion in the Rubén Jarainillo neighborhood, Monterrey, Mexico La alianza intersectorial Oxxo-VETSA y su impacto en la cohesión social en la colonia Rubén Ja ra millo, Monterrey, México
CitationCount for The PACE experience: Global collaborative engineering course and global projects
CitationCount for The Pacific white shrimp, the most cultivated shrimp species, is it Litopenaeus or Penaeus vannamei?
CitationCount for The panorama of familial hypercholesterolemia in Latin America: A systematic review