


Romo Medrano-Mora, Katya Eugenia


A few months after graduating from Electronic Systems Engineering, she made an undertaking to open a center and teach mathematics at various levels. She has a career of almost 24 years at Tecnológico de Monterrey, has held various roles in the School of Engineering and Sciences as a department assistant, career director and teacher. She has participated as Coordinator of the Academic Integrity Committee of the Mexico City Campus, is a member of the Academic Affairs Committee of the Electronics Engineering career since 2021. She has been an active part in the design, implementation and improvements in educational models since the redesign in 2000, the new plans and careers in 2005, 2010, FIT model and has recently collaborated in various designs in the area of electrical circuits for the tec 21 model. Katya holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, a Master's Degree in Telecommunications Administration and a Master's Degree in Energy Management and its Renewable Sources from Tecnológico de Monterrey and the Virtual University.
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