

Lesser-Carrillo, Luis Ernesto


Luis has over 24 years of professional experience in Hydrogeology, with emphasis on regional groundwater flow systems and aquifer contamination and remediation systems. He brings a solid science/engineering background with extensive field and laboratory experience. He has a strong background on Regional Hydrogeologic Studies (well inventories, pump tests, hydrogeochemistry, groundwater flow and modeling) and Phase-I/Phase-II Environmental Site Assessments. He has international experience in more than 130 projects in Canada, United States and Mexico, adhering to domestic and international regulations and industry standards. Luis has 24 years of experience in groundwater modeling, applying Visual Modflow (Classic and Flex versions). In the Academia, Luis has taught engineering seminars, workshops and undergraduate and graduate level courses. He has published 16 scientific papers on hydrogeology and innovative groundwater contamination/remediation systems and has 17 presentations in conferences. EDUCATION: Ph.D. (2008) Civil and Environmental Engineering (Aquifer Remediation) Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA. Thesis: Characterization of natural and engineered MTBE biodegradation systems. M.Sc. (2000) Hydrogeology, Earth Sciences Department. University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada. Thesis: Laboratory and field evidence of anaerobic biodegradation of naphthalene. B.Sc. (1996) Environmental Hydrogeology, Earth Sciences Department University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada. Thesis: Reliability of subsoil criteria based on partitioning calculations. DISTINCTIONS: 2010 ¿ 2017: Member of the National Research System of Mexico (SNI-CONACYT) No. 47660 PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS: 2012 and Registered as Professional Geoscientist (P.Geo.) by the Professional Geoscientists of 2019-present Ontario (PGO). Membership No. 2116. 2007 ¿ 2011: Signatario Externo de Muestreo (certification for sampling hydrocarbon contaminated sites in Mexico according to regulation NOM-138-SEMARNAT/SS-2003). Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación, Mexico City, Mexico.
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