


Chong-Quero, Jesús Enrique


"The education of our students must include the development of transversal competencies to acquire disciplinary knowledge that allows them to expand their vision. They must obtain effective skills for collaborating with other areas of study." Throughout his professional career, Jesús Enrique Chong Quero has taken interest in electronic devices for rehabilitation. The development of this type of technology has allowed him to research, reflect on, and study processes that may improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities. Telecommunications appealed to him since he was a child, especially when satellite television first appeared and parabolic antennas became popular in Mexico; however, at the end of his studies as an electronic engineer, he took interest in the biomedical instrumentation area. Chong Quero collaborated with the Automated Medical Instrumentation Laboratory of Oncology at the Centre Alexis Vautrin in France, where he first learned about experimenting with electromagnetic fields for the treatment of cancer. Afterward, he became a visiting professor at the Department of Bioengineering of the Imperial College London, where he had contact with projects from the area of rehabilitation and valuation of persons with motor disability. It has been greatly rewarding for him to be able to link teaching and research and to see many of his students become successful professionals who aim to contribute to the progress of their country. His challenge is to develop and perfect innovative projects that require multidisciplinary collaborations with the purpose to contribute to the common good.
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