

Minor-Campa, Enrique Eliseo


Bachelor's degree in Economics at UAM-Iztapalapa (with university merit medal and recently named distinguished graduate). Postgraduate studies (master's and doctorate) at the Colegio de México. Visiting professor and researcher at different universities and institutes (IPN, UAM, UNAM, CIDE, IBERO). Public servant at CONEVAL responsible for measuring poverty and monitoring different indicators of social development. Responsible for monitoring public policy and the system of indicators for children and infancy in the Ministry of the Interior (SIPINNA). Collaboration in the National Council for the Prevention of Discrimination (CONAPRED) as an advisor in the generation and monitoring of indicators, definition of public policies to prevent discrimination and budgeting for the same fines from a human rights perspective. Wide experience in the investigation of indicators of social development, measurement of poverty, formulation and evaluation of public policies, economics of the public sector and education; areas with different publications.
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