




During my PhD program at University of Malaya (QS ranking 59) under the supervision of Dr. Marc Madou and Fatimah Ibrahim, I developed microfluidic Discs/CDs and BioMEMS systems for the rapid and automated detection of Dengue infection at point-of-care settings. During the PhD Journey I i- was awarded with High Impact Research Scholarship from Malaysia Ministry of Higher Educations, 2013-2016 ii- was honored as a Bright Spark Student by University of Malaya, 2015 and iii- have received the Young Investigator Award at "International Conference for Innovation in Biomedical Engineering and Life Science (ICIBEL) 2015"
Sergio Martinez, Marc Madou and I established Centrifugal Microfluidics (CD microfluidic) technology at Tec de Monterrey, trained more than 25 or 30 graduate and undergraduate students that either are yet working in CD fluidic lab as research scientists or have received scholarships to pursue higher education in the top international universities. What we established is a research group/lab that collaborates with University of California Irvine, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Dario Mager and Jan Korvink), Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (Felix F. Loeffler), University of Malaya (Fatimah Ibrahim), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Joel Voldman), and very recently Harvard Medical School (David Avigan) to address some of the most challenging global health topics including Neonatal Sepsis and Personalized Immunotherapy Cancer Vaccine Manufacturing.
We created and initiated a collaborative project between Tec, MIT and Harvard, and have a detailed plan how to enable the mass manufacturing of personalized vaccines for cancer immunotherapy. By achieving this goal we will participate in saving cancer patients lives and/or reduce patients suffering, and create a world where cancer treatment by immunotherapy vaccines is safer, more affordable and widely available. My greatest achievement is participating in creating the roadmap and initiating the collaborative project which leads to mass manufacturing of personalized dendritic/tumor immunotherapy vaccines, using CD microfluidic technology.
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