Araceli Zavala has worked since 2005 at the Industrial and Systems Engineering department at Tecnologico de Monterrey campus Guadalajara as a full-time professor teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses related to the area of Statistics, Operations Research and Supply Chain mainly. She has been a consultant for several small and big companies in Mexico. Before working as a professor, she worked as a General Manager at a textile Distribution Center and as an Operation Manager. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Engineering Management from Stevens Institute of Technology where she was recognized for writing the best doctoral thesis of the 2020 generation and the best scientific publication in 2019 awarded by the School of Systems and Enterprises. She also has a master´s degree in Quality Systems and Productivity from Tecnologico de Monterrey. She currently belongs to the National System of Researchers at the Candidate Level. She has 6 articles published in prestigious international journals and other publications in refereed conferences. Her research is focused on the area of Supply Chain Resilience and Data Analytics.